Monday, 26 May 2008

"Mom always loves you"

Even in disasters do we see touching moments, or maybe, the touching moments in disasters are more precious than that during normal times.

In the recent earthquakes in China, a mother, in the attempt to protect her 3 month old baby, shielded her baby underneath her, and she bore all the weight of the torn-down pieces of the building and lost her life.

The baby was sound asleep when she was rescued, and there was a mobile phone found there, and this message was found on the screen "My baby, if you can survive, remember, Mom always loves you"

What a touching story.

What prompts a mother to sacrifice her life for her baby? It's her love, is it not?

Inevitably, it reminds me of the story of Jesus. He came down, laid aside the adoration in heaven, laid aside His omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence; became a man, bound by the law of nature, subject to tiredness, pain, hunger, thirst; and He took every step of His life relying on His Father.

Walking towards the cross, His agony caused Him to sweat blood; carrying the cross, He told the women not to mourn for Him; on the cross, He refused to save Himself, but cared to tell John to take care of His mother, and to give the thief next to Him a promise.

Then when the guilt of the whole world crushed Him, He could not see Himself as a victorious conqueror beyond the grave, in His eyes, the grave was His destination. In utmost agony, He cried out, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me"

People were mocking Him, Oh, if only He wanted, He could have saved Himself and left the ungrateful world to its own course. No, looking at the ungrateful world, He, not only had forgiven them, but chose to sacrifice His eternal throne in Heaven so that we may go in.

Sin is so evil that Jesus could not even see His Father.

If this was not enough to demonstrate us how much God loves us, what will?

I believe the baby rescued from the earthquake will believe she had a loving mother when she is told how she survived the earthquake; will we not believe how much God loves us, that even when faced with the equivalent of eternal destruction Himself and us seeing what God is like, and saving Himself and slain the ungrateful crowd; He chose self-sacrifice.

And I wish to ask, isn't this enough to convince us there is nothing to be afraid of our God, but He wholeheartedly wants to be our best friend?
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